Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What About Meditation?

~ You cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them ~ Albert Einstein

~  Like Within, So without ~ Hermensianax 
- greek poet

~  As Above So Below  ~ Hermes Trimegistro

"Meditation" a word that brings many different images to different people. There are many thoughts about what it means to meditate. Throughout time it was believed that meditation was considered valid if one would spent, hours, days, weeks even months under a tree in loto position - to give an image - to be able to reach certain given results. However, the truth is that there are many different schools and forms of meditation such as Transcendental meditation, Buddist meditation, Zen meditation, Dynamic Meditation, etc. There are as many different forms and ways of meditating as there are people in the world, for each person finds his own unique way of doing so. There are people who wake up in the morning, turn on the coffee pot, make themselves a cup of coffee or tea, sit in front of their window or go to the garden to observe nature, that is their way of meditating. Others get up early and have a special place where they sit and meditate five minutes or more before they start their day.

What does it really mean to meditate? And what is a deeper form of meditation useful for?

If we take the letter 't' out of the word 'meditation', we are left with the word 'mediation'. Meditation is a way to 'mediate' with our inner 'Self', with the light that lives within us, with the magical, omnipresent, omnipowerful essence of God. It is a way to communicate with that part given to us in our hearts that guides us to have more peace and clarity. For example, one day, I could not find my keys, my first response was to run like a 'chicken with it's head cut off' to try to find them, but instead, I paused, took a few deep breaths and in my mind, I tracked my steps back and found the keys easily - This is a simple example.

Meditation if practiced little by little, then furthermore to deeper levels of consciousness, can take us to incredible places of peace and expansion - we can create and manifest whatever we want, we can also enjoy inner journeys like astral traveling - all given by God and in God.

I would like to share with you a simple and short meditation technique. If you are interested in trying it, you may find it useful to reach deeper levels of peace and clarity.

I suggest to find a comfortable place where you will have quietud - turn phones, computers, etc., off. Sit or lie in a way that is useful to you - I recommend sitting in a chair with your back straight, otherwise in loto position. Lying down is okay as well in the beginning.

The most important thing to learn about meditation is 'deep breathing'. Learning how to breathe right and deep is the 'key' ~ especially to reach deeper levels of consciousness.

- Deep breathing: to begin it is best to breathe all the air out. Then begin breating in from the stomach to the chest, like filling up a cup. Hold the breath, then exhale, as you breathe out emptying from the chest to the stomach. Breathe in, hold, breathe out. Breathe in, hold, breathe out... etc.

- Counting is very useful in this procedure. You can count up to five when you inhale, three when you hold the breath, and five when you exhale, or 7-3-7, choosing the rythm that is right for you. Counting helps occupy the mind with other thoughts.

-  All the present thoughts to move by like a movie screen in your mind,  do not fight them or try to change them, as you continue to focus your breathing, allowing any feelings to surface. Let yourself rest and listen to your breathing as many times as needed.

- The next step is to focus on relaxing your body: relax all parts of your body gently, listening to your breathing.

- Then, begin to visualize or imagine that you are standing underneath a showering waterfall that is 'diamantine indigo blue light' - allow all thougths to be bathed by this light, all people, situations and things in your life are being bathed by this light. As you open your heart and mind to receive this light, let go of the material, physical world, completely - relax and let it all go...

- It is good to relax there for as long as need be. Perhaps 5 minutes every morning and every evening to start and increase the time as you are able to.

- At the end, begin to breathe deeply again, moving the energy from your feet up your whole body. Become aware of the soles of your feet, of the temperature of the room, of your clothes in contact with your body, wiggle your toes, stretch your body until you are fully present in your body.

Meditation ~ 'mediation' ~ is useful for many things: to simply relax, to recharge with good energy, to bring you back to center, to quiet the mind, to resolve problems, to astral travel - to divine places given by God - it is also very useful to help alleviate physical, emotional and mental pain. It also helps us to become more aware of our feelings and of how we feel in a given situation. It helps us have more clarity and peace to be able to take more assertive steps in our lives.

In the movie "The Secret Garden". There is a moment when the boy, who did not want to walk  and was terrified of coming out of his room - due to the fear that encompassed him - he was with Mary the young girl in the garden and he said to her as he was beginning to walk.

Colin: Are you making this magic?
Mary: No, YOU are.
Colin: Just like in the story. It's like the whole universe is in here. (pointing at his heart)
Mary: I'm certain it is.

Suggesting that the Universe and all its planets also lie within us. (As within so without, as without so within)

Yes, meditation is useful for that as well, to discover the fantastic world of infinite possibilities and dimensionalities that exist - which are very real within each and every one of us, created by Him.

Some people meditate ever day 5 to 10 minutes; others even an hour long or more, depending on the aim that is wanted to be reached.

And then there are many who get up, turn the coffee pot on, grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit in front of the window and contect with what IS...

~  Like Above so Below, Like Below so Above ~ The Kybalion

~  Meditation is more substantial than what we normally call reality ~ Richard Gere

~ Meditation is not there to avoid this world, it is the elixir where the soul speaks directly to God & receives His Love, His Light & His Word, in an excessive way when acquired ~ an opportunity to bring that incredible LIGHT & that pure LOVE back into Humanity ~ BCB

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