Thursday, August 25, 2022

40 Years of Gratitude

40 years ago yesterday, on  August 25th 1982, I arrived in a little cute village called Groenenbach in Germany south of Munich. I had no idea where I was going or what I was going to experience. I had been having a very serious drinking problem. I also did some drugs but my main choice was always alcohol. Whiskey to be exact.

 My bottom was not a bottom of many alcoholics or drug addicts, it was more of an emotional bottom. I knew inside of me that life could not be so miserable. I was miserable in the end of my drinking career. It was a hell. 

Somewhere inside me I knew that life had to be better. Life could be better, that this could not be of God to live in so much darkness, even though in those days I had a little bit of trouble  believing fully in God. Even so, I prayed every day that He would help me find a way out of the mess.

 Then this beautiful clinic in Groenenbach  showed up through some dear friends. My mother had been searching for a solution to my problem. Both my parents supported me in going there. I could have  not done it without their love and support.

The idea was to be sober 2 months prior to my  arrival.  However,  when I got on the airplane I thought "a glass of wine won't hurt." And guess where that glass of wine landed me?  I had arrived in Munich three days prior to my admittance to the Clinic, and was not happy where I was on my third day of continuous drinking. I had hit rock bottom.

I arrived to the clinic on a Wednesday evening, tipping. They received me because I had come from very far away which was from my beautiful country Guatemala.  

The next day they had a meeting with all the patients in the room and the main therapists and doctors. It was a beautiful place where  Everybody was dressed casually even the therapists and doctors.  We, the newcomers and therapists, sat in the middle of a circle. The rest of the people sat in a circle around us.  We had to introduce ourselves, and when it was my turn, the main doctor and Chef Artzt Konrad Strauss, really came down hard on me in a way that shook my soul. He must have done his magic because from that day, 40 years ago. August 26th, 1982...until this day, I have not picked up a drink or used any drugs, except medications prescribed by doctors. 

In my heart, Konni saved my life and the therapies in this beautiful place were totally amazing. Everything was filled with love, a lot of support, amazing therapies, like bonding, rebirthing, Yoga, meditation,  group therapy, love therapy, walks in nature, walks in the woods with the backdrop of the Swiss Alps. It was heaven on Earth. The most beautiful thing is that I really did not have to drink again and that was a relief. Twelve step meetings every night. 

Dr  Konrad Stauss really believed in the 12 steps. I really learned that I had a disease called alcoholism and that one day at a time for the rest of my life. I would not pick up one drink because that one drink, like that one glass of wine in the airplane, takes me to hell. I cannot control it!!!  Even though I tried a hundred times to lie to myself that I could. It was a relief to know that there was another world filled with beautiful people, sober people, people on a spiritual path, on a meditation path, on a path of enlightenment, of a path of community, laughter, joy, love and a return to God.  

I'm not talking about any religion or Dogma or any sect or culture. I'm talking about freedom. True freedom! Freedom from unnecessary pain, freedom from addiction, choosing a life without destructive alcoholism and drug addiction. 

Please don't get me wrong, I feel respect for all religions, for all forms of belief and  feel that every human being has to find his or her way to get back to God ~ Spirit  ~ the Light ~ in the way and path that is best suited for their hearts and their souls. I truly believe we are all One that we need to respect everyone's beliefs. 

I had a very powerful spiritual experience while I was there within 6 weeks of being in the clinic. I felt a very strong pressure in my head for many days until one day I went to my room and I laid down and I said I give up, I surrender. In that moment this wave of amazing light took over me. It was pure love.... pure light... it was a peace and clarity I had never experienced before. The next day there was a huge meeting. It was the same meeting where I was introduced on my first day where the newcomers were being received, however,  that day I was chairing that meeting. I was in the full  presence of God, in Spirit. All I could feel was pure love for everyone not in a lala land way. In a real 'echt' way.  There was no judgment, there were no expectations  no demands...  just pure unconditional love for every human being in that room.  It was pure unconditional love for every one of his children. 

I even fell in love in those days in 1982, while I was in the 3 month program,  with a beautiful soul that I still hold dear in my heart today. 

During this time I have become a writer, my art work is developing... I'm and Assertive Coach and also do healing  work, even creating music is now starting for me. I'm doing things I would have never ever dreamed of in my entire life. 

Sometimes it has been really tough, tough is an understatement, yet what has me always moving forward has always been, one day at a time, one moment at a time,  without picking up that drink, or any  other drug. And if I'm honest I am dealing with other forms of addiction ( social media has us all hooked a little )  but not like the one of drinking and using drugs. 

I can't even imagine ever picking up a drink. I never in my entire existence ever want to be that person again, ever!  I don't miss it at all... knock on wood... 

What keeps me alive and what keeps me everyday moving forward is my connection with God, my connection with Spirit. Everyday I pray, every day I meditate. Everyday I try to connect with that light and that love within me, remembering that initial experience with God ~ Source ~ the Light. 

 I can't even begin to share with you the immense amount of spiritual experiences and awakenings I have had through my journey. It's absolutely beautiful and amazing something I would have never dreamed of even existed. 

The other force that has kept me moving forward is community and all the amazing lovely people and teachers I have met along the way. The helping hands of many many friends, strangers and family.

It is my hope that as I share this with you today,  that maybe one of you can become aware that there is so much love for you.  There is another way. A worthy way without alcohol and drugs. It is the best way! One day at a time. One moment at a time. There is help, there's is a lot of help. There is more help today than ever has been to help you move out of your addictions and your pain.  

Last year I was helping a close friend and family member get some help and suggested the Privat Klinik in Groenenbach.

On October of last year, I  had the beautiful opportunity of going back to Groenenbach. Another dream I never imagined would ever happen. Even though Konrad Stauss left us a few years ago. I remained in contact with him even a few months before his passing. I was in contact with him throughout all the years because I was always in admiration for the work that he was giving and doing. He was very diligent in believing that Forgiveness is the key to healing and invited me to an online group. He also many years back,  invited me to come and be a student Practitioner in the clinic at some point which unfortunately never took place. He sadly left us 6 years ago on August 29th.

 I discovered of another person who was continuing his work. His name is Dr. Jochen Von Wahlert, who happened to be an amazing quality human being.  I contacted him to help a family member who was having difficulties. In October of last year I finally was able to work it through to finally help this person and he finally said yes to receive help. He agreed with the condition that I meet with this person in Germany for the first interview, to which I said yes. I was in much needed vacation and was thrilled to go again and see my friends I had not seen for 36 - 39 years.

My idea was to rent a small cottage while he was receiving the therapy and  the help that was needed at the time. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine myself going back in.  The tables turned in a way that I was offered the opportunity to go in myself for treatment which I never had considered due to many factors, yet  I was feeling so exhausted and broken, that I gave in. I was so deeply grateful for this opportunity and miracle.  It ended up being the Best!!! 

The set up and work they had was astonishing, similar to what they had before, except upscaled, very much upscaled with added therapies, like, Healing Massage, physical therapy, Watsu, swimming, Sauna, and may other Spa oriented therapies. The food was amazing... A total delight! 

 It changed my whole life once again. It turned everything around for me once again .... I loved it...  every minute of it!  I would love to go back again, because it's so beautiful and so loving and so fun. I was able to reconnect with myself and was able to meet and befriend amazing people. It was all very much needed for my heart and for my soul. People who are highly evolved and with so much Presence in the Light. They really shone light on my path. I was immensely happy there.

 Please know that this place is available to you in Germany whether you speak German or English they will be able to help you. It's  beautiful there, nature is breathtaking.  The experience is like non other.  (link below)

Jochen Von Wahlert & I

Today I'm so grateful that for 40 years, I have stayed clean one day at a time, one moment at a time, regardless of my circumstances, with the help of many people, friends and family, and mainly my connection to God.

I invite you to make that choice.  It doesn't matter how far you are down the road, there is HOPE. There IS  a way. There is a door.  There is a way to get back to your heart. A way to get your life back and be happy.... Yes there is...  Choose your FREEDOM...  

One of the many gifts I have received is that my brother Thomas followed this path and is now 21 years Sober! A pride and joy I can't express enough. If we can do it. You can do it. 

With Love, Bárbara 

Klinik information... Privat Klinik

Thursday, March 19, 2020

What About Meditation?

What About Meditation?

We can not solve problems with the same state of mind we create them
Albert Einstein

As Above So Below ~ Hermes Trimegistro

"Meditation" a word that brings many different images to different people. There are many thoughts about what it means to meditate. Throughout time it was believed that meditation was considered valid if one would spent, hours, days, weeks even months under a tree in loto position - to give an image - to be able to reach certain given results. However, the truth is that there are many different schools and forms of meditation such as Transcendental meditation, Buddist meditation, Zen meditation, Dynamic Meditation, etc. There are as many different forms and ways of meditating as there are people in the world, for each person finds his own unique way of doing so. There are people who wake up in the morning, turn on the coffee pot, make themselves a cup of coffee or tea, sit in front of their window or go to the garden to observe nature, that is their way of meditating. Others get up early and have a special place where they sit and meditate five minutes or more before they start their day.

What does it really mean to meditate? And what is a deeper form of meditation useful for?

If we take the letter 't' out of the word 'meditation', we are left with the word 'mediation'. Meditation is a way to 'mediate' with our inner 'Self', with the light that lives within us, with the magical, omnipresent, omnipowerful essence of God. It is a way to communicate with that part given to us in our hearts that guides us to have more peace and clarity. For example, one day, I could not find my keys, my first response was to run like a 'chicken with it's head cut off' to try to find them, but instead, I paused, took a few deep breaths and in my mind, I tracked my steps back and found the keys easily - This is a simple example.

Meditation if practiced little by little, then furthermore to deeper levels of consciousness, can take us to incredible places of peace and expansion - we can create and manifest whatever we want, we can also enjoy inner journeys like astral traveling - all given by God and in God.

I would like to share with you a simple and short meditation technique. If you are interested in trying it, you may find it useful to reach deeper levels of peace and clarity.

I suggest to find a comfortable place where you will have quietud - turn phones, computers, etc., off. Sit or lie in a way that is useful to you - I recommend sitting in a chair with your back straight, otherwise in loto position. Lying down is okay as well in the beginning.

The most important thing to learn about meditation is 'deep breathing'. Learning how to breathe right and deep is the 'key' ~ especially to reach deeper levels of consciousness.

- Deep breathing: to begin it is best to breathe all the air out. Then begin breating in from the stomach to the chest, like filling up a cup. Hold the breath, then exhale, as you breathe out emptying from the chest to the stomach. Breathe in, hold, breathe out. Breathe in, hold, breathe out... etc.

- Counting is very useful in this procedure. You can count up to five when you inhale, three when you hold the breath, and five when you exhale, or 7-3-7, choosing the rythm that is right for you. Counting helps occupy the mind with other thoughts.

-  Allow the present thoughts to move by like a movie screen in your mind,  do not fight them or try to change them, as you continue to focus your breathing, allowing any feelings to surface. Let yourself rest and listen to your breathing as many times as needed.

- The next step is to focus on relaxing your body: relax all parts of your body gently, listening to your breathing.

- Then, begin to visualize or imagine that you are standing underneath a showering waterfall that is 'diamantine indigo blue light' - allow all thougths to be bathed by this light, all people, situations and things in your life are being bathed by this light. As you open your heart and mind to receive this light, let go of the material, physical world, completely - relax and let it all go...

- It is good to relax there for as long as need be. Perhaps 5 minutes every morning and every evening to start and increase the time as you are able to.

- At the end, begin to breathe deeply again, moving the energy from your feet up your whole body. Become aware of the soles of your feet, of the temperature of the room, of your clothes in contact with your body, wiggle your toes, stretch your body until you are fully present in your body.

Meditation ~ 'mediation' ~ is useful for many things: to simply relax, to recharge with good energy, to bring you back to center, to quiet the mind, to resolve problems, to astral travel - to divine places given by God - it is also very useful to help alleviate physical, emotional and mental pain. It also helps us to become more aware of our feelings and of how we feel in a given situation. It helps us have more clarity and peace to be able to take more assertive steps in our lives.

In the movie "The Secret Garden". There is a moment when the boy, who did not want to walk  and was terrified of coming out of his room - due to the fear that encompassed him - he was with Mary the young girl in the garden and he said to her as he was beginning to walk.

Colin: Are you making this magic?
Mary: No, YOU are.
Colin: Just like in the story. It's like the whole universe is in here. (pointing at his heart)
Mary: I'm certain it is.

Suggesting that the Universe and all its planets also lie within us. (As within so without, as without so within)

Yes, meditation is useful for that as well, to discover the fantastic world of infinite possibilities and dimensionalities that exist - which are very real within each and every one of us, created by Him.

Some people meditate ever day 5 to 10 minutes; others even an hour long or more, depending on the aim that is wanted to be reached.

And then there are many who get up, turn the coffee pot on, grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit in front of the window and contect with what IS...


Meditation is nourishment for the soul, a connection with itself & the Light

Meditation is not practiced to avoid this world, it is the elixir where the soul speaks directly to God, receives His Love, His Light and His  Guidance, in an excessive way when acquired ~ an opportunity to bring that incredible LIGHT, that pure LOVE back into Humanity ~

An opportunity to bring Heaven Back into Earth 

May it be So... BCB


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

What About Hawks? The move...

The Hawk

It was three in the afternoon. Again my fear grew within that the clock might be ticking at a speed slower than before. It was a moment of decision. I sat in the garden. I looked at the sky, not knowing what life had before me. My heart had a desire to live, yet was confused.

Then I heard a screech, new to me. I looked far to the left and very far away was a hawk, flying in circles. I stared at it and told it to come to me. I focused my mind and heart. He started flying in circles, circles, circles, as he got closer and closer and closer. He came and flew near above me, making a large circle then another round around the sun then flew away. I paused and wondered. That previous night I had asked a friend for healing energy and prayers. I told him about my experience with the hawk. He responded. Hawks are my totem animal, as he said that it made me trust and know Spirit was guiding me. Where? I did not know.

Difficult times, difficult decisions to make. A move. to where? I did not know. A temporary move? a permanent move? my mind spun.

It was noon days later. The pressure was on, from all directions. I moved to go sit in the garden. Similar spot, another day at another hour. I paused. When suddenly I heard a screech again. I looked up and there it was coming from another direction. Yet was very a far. The hawk. I stared. I called him and he flew around and around in circles until he reached me. This time he came a lot closer. Flew in a circle above my head and moved on. This happened other days, weeks ahead different days different hours. Once he came very low near my left shoulder. I was surprised and wondered. Did he really hear my call? was he truly answering? could he feel my love for him, for nature, for life? was it a loved one from a far saying hello? was it God? saying everything is going to turn out beautifully?  The pain in my heart and soul were such that I needed to believe that.

One day the pressure got harder. I had prayed to find a place here to sort out my mind, my feelings my thoughts. I had put an ad in a site and a woman responded saying she had a place that fit my  budget, with 2 acres of woods as a garden, in a far away little town. My heart jumped and I organized to go see it. As I arrived, I walked out of the car and saw her. She smiled. she looked latin.

I said,"Hi," are you latin?"
 "Yes!" she answered with another smile.
 "where from?"
"Guatemala," she smiled again. " and you?"
"Me too" I giggled.
 "really!" she responded. "thats great! not many people from Guatemala around here.what are the chances? Come in..."

 We both laughed and connected. It was incredible! Guatemala is my home town where Im hoping to move next.

The place. Beautiful! A perfect place to be as I sort out my heart, my soul and my mind to whats next. It has a beautiful porch and has 2 acres of trees, wild life, nature and the air is pure. Purer than I have ever experienced before. The move was simple and I rejoiced. Still in doubt, but also in trust and confidence. This is located around 20 minutes from where I was. The pressure was off. Thank goodness.

The next day, after moving, I sat by the porch and watched and listened to nature. After a few minutes. I heart a screech. Yes there he was, a hawk. He flew around in circles from the forrest until it arrived above my head and flew in a circle above my head, close, very close, then flew into the woods. I couldn't believe it! Two days ago. I had the same experience a call a little different it was a huge hawk. He flew before me with its huge extended wings and called for at least 20 minutes. It was breathtaking, flying before me in circles... wanting to tell me something... reminding me that I am at the right place in the right time and making me think... God has a plan...

I will listen...

My upstairs neighbor from Guatemala... "really? I have never seen a hawk since I have lived here..."

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Twin flame Soulmates Connection

 Twin flame Soulmates

"You are the matching scent of my soul
the mirror of my journey's heart"  

Relationships come into our lives for many different reasons. Every person that comes into our lives brings forth a gift for our souls to unwrap, unravel and cherish.

Some personalities can be more challenging than others, and some are so dear to our souls that you want to continue to explore your hearts and minds with them. A close relationship is an opportunity to open our hearts, to do our dance, to express our hurts and smiles.

Soul traveling together on this sacred journey. A journey where souls, as they come together experience life on earth at its many levels of expressions of love. This Love can purify all senses and bring about the essence of Creation itself to the surface. A spiritual experience like no other. It is through love in Spirit that souls eventually meet at a higher more substantial manner.

Love is the creation of all things existing and coexisting with each other. A means and a way of communicating this love in higher intervals and frequencies is through the physical body. Male and female unite to bring about creation through the flames of their hearts transmuting all density into Light as they love one another in deeper levels of existence and expressions in, from and through their hearts. The one experience all evolved souls await to awaken to and experience on this earth for it is the outmost divine experience that one can partake at the earth level of existence.

Every relationship is an opportunity to grow and transform until one reaches the awakening desired to get closer to Spirit in unimaginable ways.

Yes every  relationship, especially love relationships are a gift to unwrap, unravel and cherish and bring about an awakening to the soul.

~ kiss my lips with the petals of your heart ~ 

~ When Twin flame soulmates unite 
it is a Divine encounter ~

~ Pure Love pours Light into the world ~

~  True Love just IS ~

 I miss you in every breath I take 

 even though I feel you in everything you do 

True Love not only has a Happy ending
True Love has no end to Itself 

For it was not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul ~ Judy Garland

~ Love is a meeting of to souls fully accepting the light and dark within each other, bound by the courage to grow from struggle into Bliss. ~ Author Unknown

Dancing in the Light

Friday, December 9, 2016

What About Healings and Wellness... ?

Healing and Wellness

My Road Towards Freedom

~ "There is no Shame in having an illness - but it is a shame not to do something about it" ~

~ "Es ist keine Schande krank zu sein - aber es ist eine Schande nichts dagegen zu tun" ~ (German)

These were the words written in a painting that stood proud on the side of the entrance door of a healing center in Germany. A beautiful center located right in the middle of the woods that backdrapped  the swiss alps, an hour south of Munich in a small town called Groenenbach,  where I visited when I was pretty young.  As a friend says, some moons ago.

I walked in there tipsy, as one would say in the lieux of a new, perhaps sober beginning - they almost did not receive me - but God opened the door through them. They allowed me to stay since I had come from afar.

In this center there were all kinds of people recovering from different emotional ailments. There were people there who had food disorders,  alcoholics, some had  been with Hitler, one ex prisoner, priests with beliefs that have made them lonely, women married to alcoholics, anorexia, bulimic, and other people in a healing process - All good people with different addictions - clean cut - sobering up to find a better happier life.

As I was there, you could truly feel the love. There were lots of great therapies, yoga, rebirthing, dynamic meditation, bonding, color therapy, art therapy, Gestalt therapy, Transactional analisis and many other forms of therapy. It was an awesome place full of awesome and very loving and spiritual people. A lot of cuddling and hugging - no sex - it was about learning to feel and express love in a 'healthy' way. A way to rebuild our hearts and souls as we tried to regain our lives back.

The place was build like a college. Very simple elegant, clean and beautiful. It had very nice dormitories. All therapists considered themselves part of the group, growing and healing in their own process, so noone wore uniforms or doctors 'suits' of any kind.

I remember one of the things I was taught was to do things totally different than I was used to. For example, I used to swim 4-5 hours a day for years and they recommended to take simple walks in the woods for a change. Or I hated knitting, but I took it up, just to get the mind changing and the motivation in the heart that there are so many 'new' things to do and experience in life. I made a long very 'tight' scarf.

Then about 6 weeks into the therapy I felt a pressure in my head very strongly and a voice that said: "you can't - you shouldn't." I went to a nearby church, which I would never normally walk into and felt a Presence there. In that Presence I got on my knees and cried hoping the voice would go away. But as I walked out in the street surrounded by trees back to the healing center the voice only grew stronger. It said :" You can't you shouldn't". The voice grew stronger every day and I felt smaller and smaller all the time. I went to the church the following week again. I stood at the door, there was a Presence. I walked in, kneeled an prayed. The voice remained as I walked out and went back to the Klinik. 

On that night it was "Märchen Stunde" - story telling time. I laid my head on a friends shoulder and felt the love and warmth of the room and listened to the story as my head started spinning and spinning and the voice grew stronger and stronger. I did not know what to do, so I got up and walked towards my room and went into the bathroom to stare at the mirror, as that happened the voice grew louder: " You can't -  you should'nt" - my voice, became tinier and tinier - finally I decided to lie on my bed, where I could hardly breathe and as my voice became even smaller, I could not fight it anymore so I said: "I give up..."

In that moment a shower of a beautiful light and peace took over me. The voice... was GONE. I stood and looked out the window... and felt as if though my past life - in pain and suffering was only a trip on a train that had passed a way. This was a new life now... a new beginning...

The next day when I awoke, I was a walking, vibrating ENERGY of LOVE and LIGHT - mostly profound PEACE! My Mind was or at least felt "CLEAN"...

It was so powerful and beautiful. The next day I had to present myself and was chairperson at a meeting of over a 100 people. I remember that all I could feel for each and every one of them was inmense, beautiful, bountiful, unconditional love.

I looked around and view all the people standing in front of me, there stood the ex-prisoner (who buy the way was a dear) and all the rest of the people and this energy of Love had love for everyone, without judgement. Just. Love. 

God had so much love for one of them. He was like a SUN showering over every single person. There I learned and became aware that  God  is inside me. He is in my heart and in my soul. In the same way that God - the Universe - Spirit - the Lord - the Law - Whomever & whatever you believe in, that is greater and more powerful and that loves you - is in YOUR HEART and SOUL. We are all One.

I learned so much in this awesome place about love, humanism and caring in ways I had never seen before. Had they not had the strategies that they did and the procedures that they had, I probably would not have had that experience. I was truly amazed at how germans had come up with such an incredible place with so many positive results... many people got their lives back together and were geared into a good positive direction...

In deep gratitud and in memory of everyone in that healing center, who gave such bountiful amounts of unconditional love.

Addiction is considered a dis-ease, an illness ~ If anyone is dealing with an addiction of any kind, whether it be with alcohol, drugs, sex, cutting himself, gambling, eating, excessive work, pulling and eating his/her hair, un healthy relationships, etc. - any way, shape, size or form - wouldn't it be great to make the decision to get out of there? reach out for help? There is a lot of love and support available to do so... so please Reach out!!!

There is a way back to a happy life

~ There is no shame in having an illness, but it is a shame not to do something about it ~

~ “From caring comes courage” ~ Lao Tzu

~ "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity." ~ Albert Einstein

~ “Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” -Carl Jung

~ "Sometimes to 'lose' is the best way to 'win'" ~ BB

P.S. By the way... I still hate knitting... but I love to paint.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

What About Meditation?

~ You cannot solve problems with the same level of consciousness that created them ~ Albert Einstein

~  Like Within, So without ~ Hermensianax 
- greek poet

~  As Above So Below  ~ Hermes Trimegistro

"Meditation" a word that brings many different images to different people. There are many thoughts about what it means to meditate. Throughout time it was believed that meditation was considered valid if one would spent, hours, days, weeks even months under a tree in loto position - to give an image - to be able to reach certain given results. However, the truth is that there are many different schools and forms of meditation such as Transcendental meditation, Buddist meditation, Zen meditation, Dynamic Meditation, etc. There are as many different forms and ways of meditating as there are people in the world, for each person finds his own unique way of doing so. There are people who wake up in the morning, turn on the coffee pot, make themselves a cup of coffee or tea, sit in front of their window or go to the garden to observe nature, that is their way of meditating. Others get up early and have a special place where they sit and meditate five minutes or more before they start their day.

What does it really mean to meditate? And what is a deeper form of meditation useful for?

If we take the letter 't' out of the word 'meditation', we are left with the word 'mediation'. Meditation is a way to 'mediate' with our inner 'Self', with the light that lives within us, with the magical, omnipresent, omnipowerful essence of God. It is a way to communicate with that part given to us in our hearts that guides us to have more peace and clarity. For example, one day, I could not find my keys, my first response was to run like a 'chicken with it's head cut off' to try to find them, but instead, I paused, took a few deep breaths and in my mind, I tracked my steps back and found the keys easily - This is a simple example.

Meditation if practiced little by little, then furthermore to deeper levels of consciousness, can take us to incredible places of peace and expansion - we can create and manifest whatever we want, we can also enjoy inner journeys like astral traveling - all given by God and in God.

I would like to share with you a simple and short meditation technique. If you are interested in trying it, you may find it useful to reach deeper levels of peace and clarity.

I suggest to find a comfortable place where you will have quietud - turn phones, computers, etc., off. Sit or lie in a way that is useful to you - I recommend sitting in a chair with your back straight, otherwise in loto position. Lying down is okay as well in the beginning.

The most important thing to learn about meditation is 'deep breathing'. Learning how to breathe right and deep is the 'key' ~ especially to reach deeper levels of consciousness.

- Deep breathing: to begin it is best to breathe all the air out. Then begin breating in from the stomach to the chest, like filling up a cup. Hold the breath, then exhale, as you breathe out emptying from the chest to the stomach. Breathe in, hold, breathe out. Breathe in, hold, breathe out... etc.

- Counting is very useful in this procedure. You can count up to five when you inhale, three when you hold the breath, and five when you exhale, or 7-3-7, choosing the rythm that is right for you. Counting helps occupy the mind with other thoughts.

-  All the present thoughts to move by like a movie screen in your mind,  do not fight them or try to change them, as you continue to focus your breathing, allowing any feelings to surface. Let yourself rest and listen to your breathing as many times as needed.

- The next step is to focus on relaxing your body: relax all parts of your body gently, listening to your breathing.

- Then, begin to visualize or imagine that you are standing underneath a showering waterfall that is 'diamantine indigo blue light' - allow all thougths to be bathed by this light, all people, situations and things in your life are being bathed by this light. As you open your heart and mind to receive this light, let go of the material, physical world, completely - relax and let it all go...

- It is good to relax there for as long as need be. Perhaps 5 minutes every morning and every evening to start and increase the time as you are able to.

- At the end, begin to breathe deeply again, moving the energy from your feet up your whole body. Become aware of the soles of your feet, of the temperature of the room, of your clothes in contact with your body, wiggle your toes, stretch your body until you are fully present in your body.

Meditation ~ 'mediation' ~ is useful for many things: to simply relax, to recharge with good energy, to bring you back to center, to quiet the mind, to resolve problems, to astral travel - to divine places given by God - it is also very useful to help alleviate physical, emotional and mental pain. It also helps us to become more aware of our feelings and of how we feel in a given situation. It helps us have more clarity and peace to be able to take more assertive steps in our lives.

In the movie "The Secret Garden". There is a moment when the boy, who did not want to walk  and was terrified of coming out of his room - due to the fear that encompassed him - he was with Mary the young girl in the garden and he said to her as he was beginning to walk.

Colin: Are you making this magic?
Mary: No, YOU are.
Colin: Just like in the story. It's like the whole universe is in here. (pointing at his heart)
Mary: I'm certain it is.

Suggesting that the Universe and all its planets also lie within us. (As within so without, as without so within)

Yes, meditation is useful for that as well, to discover the fantastic world of infinite possibilities and dimensionalities that exist - which are very real within each and every one of us, created by Him.

Some people meditate ever day 5 to 10 minutes; others even an hour long or more, depending on the aim that is wanted to be reached.

And then there are many who get up, turn the coffee pot on, grab a cup of coffee or tea, sit in front of the window and contect with what IS...

~  Like Above so Below, Like Below so Above ~ The Kybalion

~  Meditation is more substantial than what we normally call reality ~ Richard Gere

~ Meditation is not there to avoid this world, it is the elixir where the soul speaks directly to God & receives His Love, His Light & His Word, in an excessive way when acquired ~ an opportunity to bring that incredible LIGHT & that pure LOVE back into Humanity ~ BCB

Que hay Acerca de la Meditación?

La Meditación

“No puedes resolver problemas en el mismo nivel de conciencia en que fueron creados” 

Albert Einstein

"La Meditación” – Esa una palabra que pone imágenes diferentes en cada persona. Hay muchas opiniones acerca de que es lo que significa meditar. A lo largo del tiempo se creía que la meditación era solo válida si uno pasaba horas, días y sino hasta semanas sentado debajo de un árbol – por dar una imágen - para obtener ciertos o dados resultados, o si no, no se le llamaba meditar. Pero en realidad hay tantas distintas escuelas y maneras de meditar como lo son, la meditación transcendental, la meditación dinámica, la meditación budista, la meditación Zen, etc. La verdad es que hay tantas formas de meditar como personas en el mundo, ya que cada persona es encuentra su manera propia de meditar. Hay personas que se levantan, prenden su cafetera o se hacen un café o un té y se sientan frente a la ventana o afuera en el jardín a observar la naturaleza – esa es una manera de meditar. Otros se levantan temprano y tienen su lugar especial donde se sientan a meditar por cinco minutos o más antes de comenzar el día.

Qué quiere decir meditar realmente? Y para qué ayuda una meditación ya un poco más profunda?

Si le quitamos la ‘t’ a la palabra ‘meditar’ nos quedamos con ‘mediar’. La meditación es una manera de mediar con nuestro ser interno, con la Luz que se conlleva dentro de nosotros mismos, con la fuerza mágica y omnipotente y omnipresente de Dios. Es una manera de comunicarnos con esa parte interna dada en nuestro corazón que nos dirige a tener mayor paz y claridad. Por ejemplo, un día, no encontraba unas llaves, tuve la tentación de correr por toda la casa como “Juana la loca” a buscarlas, pero decidí sentarme un minuto nada más, respiré profundo y en mi mente, regresé a los pasos que di y encontré las llaves con facilidad – eso es un ejemplo de algo simple.

La meditación, si se practica poco a poco, y luego en profundidades extensas nos puede llevar a lugares maravillosos de profunda paz y expansión – podemos crear y manifestar lo que querramos, también podemos tener viajes astrales fantásticos – todo dado por Dios y en Dios.

Les quiero compartir una corta meditación, a quien interese la puede comenzar a aplicar para llegar a un estado interno de mayor paz y calma en la mente.

Sugiero encontrar un lugar cómodo donde no habrá interrupción por un rato – apagar teléfonos, computadora, etc. Sentarse o acostarse como sea más adecuado ~ sugiero sentarse en una silla y estar con la espalda recta, si no se puede en posición de loto. Al acostarse lo que sucede es que muchas personas al inicio suelen quedarse dormidas, y eso esta bien al inicio. Tambien ayuda el poner musica meditativa y relajante.

Lo más importante de aprender en una meditación – más que cualquier otra cosa - es la respiración. profunda ~ la respiración es ‘clave’~ .

- Respiraciones profundas: Se comienza por exhalar el aire que se tiene. Luego se inhala desde el estómago llenando el aire hasta el pecho, se retiene el aire y luego se exhala bajando del pecho al estómago.

- El contar ayuda mucho en este proceso. Se puede contar hasta 5 al inhalar, contar hasta 3 al retener y luego contar hasta 5 al exhalar. Tambien se puede contar 8 al inhalar 4 al retener y 8 al exhalar, o
7,3,7 o 6,3,6. Cada quien encuentra su propio ritmo. La razón por la cual es bueno contar es porque empieza la mente a ocuparse en otra cosa.

- Es importante no pelear los pensamientos que estén presentes en la mente. Si no, más bien hay que dejar que los pensamientos estén presentes y dejarlos pasar como una película o como nubes y enfocarse constantemente en la respiración. Inhalando, reteniendo y exhalando, dejando que los pensamientos pasen y retornar a escuchar a la respiración. 

- Luego es importante enfocarse en relajar el cuerpo: relajar los pies, piernas, caderas, abdomen, espalda, pecho, hombros, brazos, manos, nuca, garganta y cabeza. Relajar todo el cuepo.

- Seguir dejando que los pensamientos pasen y pasen como nubes y concentrarse en la respiración. Mantener la concentración en escuchar a la respiración. (es clave)

- Lo siguiente es visualizar o imaginar que uno entra a una luz ‘azul índigo diamantina’ Imaginarse que uno esté parado debajo de una catarata de luz de ese color ‘azul índigo diamantino’ – dejar que todos los pensamientos se bañen con esa luz, todas las personas y situaciones en la mente se bañan de esta luz y todo tu cuerpo se bañe de esta luz – abre tu mente y tu corazón a recibir esta luz, y descansa de todo el mundo mundano, de todo el mundo material – descansa tu corazón, tus emociones, tu mente, tu cuerpo ~ descansa profundamente y cada vez más profundamente...

- Es bueno relajarse ahí por el tiempo que sea posible. Quizás 5 minutos cada mañana y cada tarde, para comenzar y luego ir incrementando el tiempo.

- Por último se empieza a respirar nuevamente, estando cada vez más presente en el cuerpo físico, sintiendo la temperatura de la habitación donde se está, sintiendo la ropa en contacto con el cuerpo, hasta estar totalmente presente en la habitación.

La meditación ~ mediación ~ sirve para un sin fin de cosas, para simplemente relajarse, para cargarse de más energía, para centrarse, para sentir una profunda paz en el corazón, para aquietar la mente, para resolver problemas, para viajar astralmente - a lugares divinos legados por Dios, y sirve mucho para aliviarse de dolores tanto físicos, emocionales, como mentales.

También nos ayuda a que sintamos más nuestras emociones, ya que con la mente ocupada a veces no podemos conectarnos con lo que realmente sentimos en cierta o dada situación, y esto nos ayuda a tener claridad y paz para dar pasos mas acertados en nuestras vidas.

No sé si se acuerdan de la película “El Jardín Secreto” hay un momento en que el niño que no quería caminar y salir de su cuarto – porque el temor lo abatía – estaba en el jardín con la niña y le dice: “Es que todos los planetas del Universo, toda la creación que se ve afuera está adentro de nosotros. Aqui…" señalando el Corazon. Al lo cual ella afirmo.

La meditación también ayuda a descubrir ese fantástico mundo de infinitas posibilidades y dimensiones que existen y son reales dentro de cada ser creado en El.

Al final la meditación sirve para liberarnos – para aliviarnos – para descansar.

Algunos meditan todos los días 5 a 10 minutos. Otros hasta una hora diaria o más dependiendo de las metas que se quieran obtener.

Y hay muchos que se levantan, prenden la cafetera, se hacen un café o un té, se sientan frente a la ventana de su jardín y se conectan con lo que realmente ES.

Cómo es arriba es abajo ~ El Kybalion

La meditación  no se usa para evitar las cosas de este mundo. Se practica para vivir dentro del elixir de la vida. Es un lugar donde el alma se comunica con Dios, donde recibe Su Amor, Su Luz y Su Guía. Es una manera de plasmar esa Luz increíble  y ese Amor puro de retorno a la Humanidad. 

Una manera de plasmar el Cielo en la Tierra. Que Asi Sea!  BCB