Wednesday, June 15, 2011

What About the Eclipse?

~ In so many and such important ways, then, do the planets bear witness to the earth's mobility ~ Nicolaus Copernicus

We are experiencing the effects and energies of a partial solar eclipse - October 23rd- and in New Moon in Scorpio... Wow - what a treasure! What does it all mean? Does it really influence us? How so?

I am deeply convinced that yes, all planetary movements affect us one way or another, for we are all part of nature. The planets that surround us on this earth are all part of us within & without. As above so below - the Alpha and the Omega. The microcosm & the macrocosm.

Many of us have learned that every full moon the tide of the ocean rises high, in that same way the oscillations and rythms with our energy also rise high, we are all part of creation and the cyles of the moon are part of our make up. The full moon is a good time to clear out all negative influences and things we no longer need in our lives and to open up to new more positive experiences.

I'd like to share the experience that I had on a total  'solar' eclipse that happened in 1998. However, this was a solar eclipse which is different from a lunar eclipse (read description at the end of the article). I don't know much about astrology, but really wanted to share my experience that may be useful to others.

I was in a beautiful huge garden, a paradsidic garden, at a friends' house. I picked a spot next to a small pond where a purple lotus flower remained present in the center expressing its specific beauty. I was also accompanied by "Georgette" a huge and cuddly Saint Bernard, I used to lay my head on her as she rested on the grass under our favorite tree when I came to relax and read in this parasidic place. There was also a German Sheppard and a strong Rottweiler, all lovely handsome dogs. There was even someone unique also, "Claire" a monkey living, playing, swinging and hanging on a tall standing cypress tree.

The solar eclipse was scheduled to happen around 1:00 p.m. I sat under a full leafed ficus tree. Once the eclipse started, I began to do my meditation. It was a really awesome experience, within I could feel deep peace, but not only that, I could feel a powerful alignment within myself, with earth, the moon & the sun. It felt as if I all my chakras were opened, especially the crown chakra. I was one with everything not only with earth but with all of the planets. It was an open, powerful, freeing, peacefu, energy. I was truly FREE and fully alive as a soul. It was a huge opening into the vastness of who we are in Truth and in Him - God - very difficult to describe in words - a journey only each one can take on his/her own.

I did peek my eyes open and this was what I observed happening in 'outside' in the garden, in nature: as the moon covered the face of the sun - a spectacle in itself - everything turned dark, but greyish dark, not as dark as a night it was lighterlike as if someone had covered every leaf and blade of grass with a brush of greyish tint film. The monkey hid in the tree and went to sleep. The dogs also got really quiet and went to sleep, the most impressive thing to me was the lotus flower in the pond that closed its petals completely, also falling into its deep sleep. It was a 'short' night going by.

Then when the sun shone again a few minutes later, everything woke up like a new early dawn - in the middle of the afternoon! - the lotus flower opened its petals back to the sun. The monkey started playing and hanging off of the tree, the dogs started running all over the fields. It was amazing. The magic of a day, night, day, had gone buy in just minutes!!!

Today is a great opportunity to atune and align ourselves with the planets, earth, moon and sun which will be in alignment. The energy and the power of the alignement of the planets is here and it is very powerful and very very beautiful. So I do recommend if you can during this transitional phase, to find some time to tune in & practice a meditation of your choice - you can read "what About Meditation?" in this blog and get tips on how to do so if you'd like.

The eclipse energy is still very strong and very powerful... Enjoy it! It is all God. God is in every blade and speck of existence. God is All and so are you in Him.

~ In the convergion of the planets lies a 'Divine Hidden Secret' ~ BB

"A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes behind the earth so that the earth blocks the sun's rays from striking the moon. This can occur only when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned exactly, or very closely so, with the Earth in the middle. Hence, there is always a full moon the night of a lunar eclipse. The type and length of an eclipse depend upon the Moon's location relative to its orbital nodes. The most recent total lunar eclipse occurred on December 21, 2010, at 08:17 UTC.[1] The next total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011 will be a central eclipse, visible over Europe and south America after sunset, over Africa and most of Asia, and Australia before sunrise.

Unlike a solar eclipse, which can only be viewed from a certain relatively small area of the world, a lunar eclipse may be viewed from anywhere on the night side of the Earth. A lunar eclipse lasts for a few hours, whereas a total solar eclipse lasts for only a few minutes at any given place.~ Wikipedia Encyclopedia."

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