Wednesday, July 21, 2010

what about God....

Today I read a comment that said: "my son says God is so far away, we can't see Him or touch Him, but we know He Exists."

This made my stomach churn and my heart sink. Nothing could be further from the Truth! Sad part is... many millions of people believe this also. Yes it is good that they believe in God... but God is not far away at all. God is everywhere, in everything. He lives in our hearts and in our souls. He is Pure essence of Light. Pure essence of bountiful, extraordinary, powerful LOVE! God is Present in every moment.

When I was 21 years old I had an incredible experience at a healing center in Europe. In this center there were all kinds of people recovering from different emotional ailments. There were people there who had been with Hitler, Ex prisoners, priests with beliefs that have made them lonely, alcholics, women married to alcoholics, anorexia, bulimic, and other people in a healing process - sobering up to find a better happier life.

As I was there, there was a lot of love everywhere. Lots of great therapies, yoga, rebirthing, dynamic meditation, bonding, color therapy, art therapy, and many other forms. It was an awesome place full of awesome and very loving and spiritual people. It was as if though being at a college. All therapists considered themselves part of the group growing and healing in their process. I remember one of the things I was taught was to do things totally different than I was used to. For example, I was a sports woman used to swimming 5 hours a day, so they said, take simple walks in the woods for a change. Or I hated knitting, but I took it up, just to get the mind changing and the motivation in the heart that there are so many 'new' things to do in life. Then about 6 weeks into the therapy I felt a pressure in my head very strongly. I went to a nearby church, which I would never normally walk into and felt a Presence there. in that Presence I got on my knees and cried hoping the voice would go away. But as I walked out in the woods back to the healing center the voice only grew stronger. It said :" You can't you shouldn't". The voice grew stronger every day and I felt smaller and smaller all the time. Until one night it was "Marchen Stunde" story telling time. I laid my head on a friends shoulder and felt the love and warmth of the room and listened to the story as my head started spinning and spinning and the voice grew stronger and stronger. I did not know what to do so I walked into my room and stared at the mirror, as that I happened the voice was louder :" You cant' you should'nt" I finally decided to lie on my bed, where I could hardly breathe and became even smaller until I said: "I give up..." In that moment a beautiful light and peace took over me. The voice... was GONE. I looked out of the window... and felt as if though my past life - in pain and suffering was only a trip on a train that had passed a way. This was a new life now.

The next day when I awoke, I was a walking, vibrating ENERGY of LOVE and LIGHT - mostly profound PEACE! It was so powerful and beautiful. The next day I had to present myself at a meeting where all the people (100) were present, and I remember that they were all standing in front of me and all I could feel for each and every one of them was powerful, beautiful, bountiful, unconditional love. I focused on the ex prisoner and God had so much love for him and every one. He was like a SUN shining from my heart with purity to every single one of His children. There I learned and became aware that God is in my heart and in my soul. In the same way that God - the Universe - Spirit - the Lord - the Law - whatever you believe in, that is greater and more powerful and that loves you- is in YOUR HEART and SOUL. So yes, we can see God... every day with our heart's eyes. But we can also see Him in the daily manifestations and expressions of love we see among ourselves. He does not judge anyone, punish, reject, hurt, sends trials and tribulations to anyone. THAT is not GOD. That is Us. So you may ask... so why is there so much suffering and chaos in the world? I will share with you about that some other time. For now... remember how deeply you are loved and cared for. How everything in your life is forgiven and forgotten. And how He rests in your Heart everyday waiting for you to say: HELLO!


  1. Hola Barbara, lei todo lo que escribistes. So Nice. Pero no se si crees en Jesus que es el maestro, procreador, iniciador, salvador de la humanidad o teoria Cristiana?? O lo consederan solo un Maestro o Profeta?
    Te escrbibo porque tengo muchas alumnas que piensan como tu y no hay modo que me convenzan. Jaja-
    Un beso delfina.

  2. Marelene... la respuesta a la pregunta que me haces es extensa... pero en corto te puedo decir que respeto todas las creencias, las religiones, etc. pero no creo en ellas. Creo en Jesus con todo mi corazon y es mi mas sagrado y amado Hermano y Maestro. Pienso que Jesus nos vino a enseniar a ser libres y a demostrarnos el potencial de quienes somos y lo que podemos hacer y somos capaces de hacer. El reino de los cielos es tan vasto y tan hermoso... y si tu encuentras esa belleza en el Cristianismo... dale! Lo importante es estar en paz, llenos de amor y luz y felices! Dios y Jesus aman todas las creaciones de sus hijos y hermanos. Lo que si te quiero compartir de todo corazon y respeto es... que el Infierno, como tal...
    NO existe... no hay NADA que temer... solo amar...
    un beso a ti tambien...


  3. Marlene... solo quiero rectificar una cosita... Pienso que todas las religiones inclusive el cristianismo todas son como por ejemplo para nuestra educacion escolar... algunos fuimos al colegio Americano, otros al colegio Aleman, o al Roble a distintos colegios pero todos estabamos aprendiendo lo mas importante para educarnos. PIenso que igual con las religiones, cada quien estudia en la iglesia, ashram o templo, etc. donde su alma aprende lo que le es mas importante espiritualmente y lo que la ayudara a evolucionar. Los caminos a Dios son muchos y todos son validos... gracias por comentar
