Thursday, February 15, 2018

Twin flame Soulmates Connection

 Twin flame Soulmates

"You are the matching scent of my soul
the mirror of my journey's heart"  

Relationships come into our lives for many different reasons. Every person that comes into our lives brings forth a gift for our souls to unwrap, unravel and cherish.

Some personalities can be more challenging than others, and some are so dear to our souls that you want to continue to explore your hearts and minds with them. A close relationship is an opportunity to open our hearts, to do our dance, to express our hurts and smiles.

Soul traveling together on this sacred journey. A journey where souls, as they come together experience life on earth at its many levels of expressions of love. This Love can purify all senses and bring about the essence of Creation itself to the surface. A spiritual experience like no other. It is through love in Spirit that souls eventually meet at a higher more substantial manner.

Love is the creation of all things existing and coexisting with each other. A means and a way of communicating this love in higher intervals and frequencies is through the physical body. Male and female unite to bring about creation through the flames of their hearts transmuting all density into Light as they love one another in deeper levels of existence and expressions in, from and through their hearts. The one experience all evolved souls await to awaken to and experience on this earth for it is the outmost divine experience that one can partake at the earth level of existence.

Every relationship is an opportunity to grow and transform until one reaches the awakening desired to get closer to Spirit in unimaginable ways.

Yes every  relationship, especially love relationships are a gift to unwrap, unravel and cherish and bring about an awakening to the soul.

~ kiss my lips with the petals of your heart ~ 

~ When Twin flame soulmates unite 
it is a Divine encounter ~

~ Pure Love pours Light into the world ~

~  True Love just IS ~

 I miss you in every breath I take 

 even though I feel you in everything you do 

True Love not only has a Happy ending
True Love has no end to Itself 

For it was not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul ~ Judy Garland

~ Love is a meeting of to souls fully accepting the light and dark within each other, bound by the courage to grow from struggle into Bliss. ~ Author Unknown

Dancing in the Light

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